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Pandemic effects

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, countries went into lockdown.  For a country like Kenya, the restrictions were particularly difficult in rural areas where life is a day to day struggle.  Many are unable to feed themselves.  We put the call out and many people dug deep.  The response was overwhelming.  We are pleased to say that to date 150 families have been helped and are continuing to be helped.  If you would like to contribute we are still receiving donations specifically for this project.  The Corona virus package includes maize, oil, sugar, tea, soap and a mask, which is compulsory in Kenya but many cannot afford it.

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Blog: Welcome

Alpine Walk for Orphans

October 2019 marked the third year we have walked to raise funds to send our Tumaini youth to high school. The first two we held on the...

The first 15 years!

Recently, we realised that Tumaini has been growing for 15 years since its inception. We started to reminisce and think about all of the...

Blog: Blog2
Blog: Blog Feed

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